Published 3 February 2025

Hair loss can profoundly impact your appearance and your self-esteem and confidence, affecting various aspects of life. FUE Hair transplant isn’t solely about regaining lost hair; it’s about reclaiming confidence, reviving self-esteem, and embracing life. The cosmetic benefits of a successful FUE hair transplant extend beyond appearance, impacting emotional well-being and quality of life.

Follicular Unit Extraction (FUE) is a hair transplant method where individual hair follicles are taken from the back and sides (donor area) using tools like robots, motorised machines, and handheld instruments, and then transplanted to a new spot on the scalp.

The FUE technique and type of instrument a hair transplant doctor will use is largely based on their experience, number of cases they have performed and their personal success rates and your hair loss situation.

Beginners will use different devices and techniques than those with the most experience.

Beware of device marketing, promoting devices, blades, and specialised techniques!

An experienced hair doctor will be able to perform all techniques, have all the best tools and will personalise the procedure to your scalp’s needs. Device marketing is often used to disguise the hair doctor’s lack of expertise and/or credentials.

Actual FUE Hair Transplant Patient – Rohan

Actual FUE Hair Transplant Patient – Rohan

Best hair doctors will be able to perform FUE Hair Transplant with the highest growth rates, thickest density and best-looking results. They should procedurally manage the back and sides / donor without causing damage to neighbouring hair follicles and/or removing too many.

Asking for the doctor’s name and ensuring you meet the doctor before your procedure is critical to avoid disappointment. It is not standard to practice to book your hair procedure before meeting the doctor in person to assess your health and suitability for the procedure.

Further researching the doctor’s credentials and evidencing their results gallery will help you chose someone who you can trust.


  1. Consultation: The first step in the FUE hair transplant process is to schedule a consultation with a qualified and experienced hair transplant doctor. During the consultation, the surgeon will evaluate your hair loss, discuss your goals and expectations, and determine if you are a good candidate for the procedure and draw on your scalp (if appropriate).
  2. Design Workshop: On the day of surgery, the doctor will draw on the scalp and map the area where the new hair grafts will be implanted. Laser technology is used to ensure symmetry of the drawn hair line and each patient will approve their design map before entering theatre.
  3. Surgery Preparation: In the procedure room, the donor area will be shaved and cleaned. The patient may be given a sedative or local anaesthesia to help manage any discomfort during the procedure.
  4. Recipient site preparation: The recipient site, where the hair loss or thinning has occurred, will be prepared by the surgeon for transplantation by making small incisions or tiny holes. These holes represent the angles, direction, and design of the new hairstyle. Making recipient sites by hand and using design devices such as direct hair implanters is the most advanced method available.
  5. Extraction: individual hair follicles are extracted from the donor area by the surgeon. This process is repeated until the desired number of follicles has been extracted. It is imperative that a highly experienced surgeon performs this process to ensure there is no damage to existing follicles or over harvesting occurs. An experienced surgeon knows which follicles to take and which ones to leave behind to maintain the appearance of the back and reserve hairs for future use if required. Your doctor or surgeon must have good donor management skills for success.
  6. Graft preparation: Once the hair follicles have been extracted, they are cleaned and prepared by qualified medical staff and loaded into special design devices for implantation into the pre-made holes by the surgeon.
  7. Graft insertion: The grafts are then inserted into the recipient site using a specialised tool or by hand. The surgeon and nurses will carefully place each graft in a specific direction and angle to ensure a natural-looking result.
  8. Post-procedure care: After the procedure is complete, the patient will be given post-procedure instructions and care guidelines to follow. This may include medications, avoiding certain activities, and washing the scalp as instructed.
  9. Follow-up appointments: Follow-up appointments with the surgeon will be scheduled to monitor progress and ensure proper healing and positive results. These appointments should be included in the cost of surgery and performed in person.

The FUE hair transplant procedure can take several hours, depending on the size of the transplant and the number of grafts needed.

It is important to choose a qualified and experienced FUE hair transplant surgeon who can guide you through the process and ensure a successful outcome. You should insist on viewing example of the doctors working including the back and sides of their scalp to ensure the donor hairs were managed well.

Choosing a clinic that can evidence years of experience of good-looking results and no damage to the donor hair is crucial to improve your appearance and avoid a mistake.

At Medihair we have performed thousands of procedures, and our doctors have years of experience, we specialise in high density results and donor management. To book a NO CHARGE private consultation CLICK HERE or call Medihair Transplant Clinic on 1300 355 325


Bianca Shaw

A well-respected surgical stylist, Bianca Shaw has worked in the hair loss industry for 28 years, educating and supporting patients, and working alongside many of Australia’s leading surgeons. Qualified in Trichology and Hairdressing, Bianca was initially trained by a leading hair transplant surgeon and can perform a range of procedures including hair line design, placement of grafts for maximum density, and the dissection and implantation of hair follicles.

Having worked for leading hair loss companies, and managing a number of successful hair transplant practices, Bianca is committed to helping patients understand the treatment options available, ensuring they make the best decision and get the best results to improve their appearance and quality of life.